Last week, the India launch of Realme XT was confirmed on September 13. And, so after teaser campaigns, Realme XT is finally official in India at a starting price of Rs.16,999. It is the first smartphone to launch in the Indian market with a 64MP quad-camera setup. Realme XT Specifications: Model - Realme XTDisplay - 6.4 inch full HD+ Super AMOLED display with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protectionProcessor - Octa Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 730G processorRAM - 4GB / 6GBStorage - 64GB / 128GB UFS 2.1 storage (expandable)Battery - 4000mAh with 20W VOOC fast charging supportFront Camera - 64MP (Samsung GW1 sensor, LED flash, f/1.8 aperture), 8 MP (119 ultra-wide-angle lens, f/2.25 aperture), 2MP (depth sensor, f/2.4 aperture), 2MP (for 4cm macro shots, f/2.4 aperture)Front Camera - 16MP front camera (f/2.0 aperture)Software - Android 9.0 Pie OS with ColorOS 6.0The Realme XT comes with Snapdragon 712 chipset on board. For options, it will be available in three variants – 4GB/64GB for Rs.15,999, 6GB/64GB for Rs.16,999 and lastly, 6GB/128GB option at Rs.18,999. However, Realme XT is featuring a triple slot. On the camera department, Realme XT boasts a quad-camera module of 64MP (f/1.8), 8MP ultra-wide, 2MP and 2MP cameras on the rear panel. For selfies, there is a 16MP f/2.0 Sony sensor camera. Realme XT runs on Android Pie with ColorOS skin on top.For charging, there is a 20W VOOC 3.0 charger in the retail box to charge a 4,000mAh battery. Realme XT features a 6.4-inch Full-HD+ Super AMOLED display with a small notch on top for selfie shooter and an in-display fingerprint scanner.
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